How does this work?#

I’m glad you asked! We can think of the problem of providing virtualized zarr-like access to a set of legacy files in some other format as a series of steps:

  1. Read byte ranges - We use the various kerchunk file format backends to determine which byte ranges within a given legacy file would have to be read in order to get a specific chunk of data we want.

  2. Construct a representation of a single file (or array within a file) - Kerchunk’s backends return a nested dictionary representing an entire file, but we instead immediately parse this dict and wrap it up into a set of ManifestArray objects. The record of where to look to find the file and the byte ranges is stored under the ManifestArray.manifest attribute, in a ChunkManifest object. Both steps (1) and (2) are handled by the 'virtualizarr' xarray backend, which returns one xarray.Dataset object per file, each wrapping multiple ManifestArray instances (as opposed to e.g. numpy/dask arrays).

  3. Deduce the concatenation order - The desired order of concatenation can either be inferred from the order in which the datasets are supplied (which is what xr.combined_nested assumes), or it can be read from the coordinate data in the files (which is what xr.combine_by_coords does). If the ordering information is not present as a coordinate (e.g. because it’s in the filename), a pre-processing step might be required.

  4. Check that the desired concatenation is valid - Whether called explicitly by the user or implicitly via xr.combine_nested/combine_by_coords/open_mfdataset, xr.concat is used to concatenate/stack the wrapped ManifestArray objects. When doing this xarray will spend time checking that the array objects and any coordinate indexes can be safely aligned and concatenated. Along with opening files, and loading coordinates in step (3), this is the main reason why xr.open_mfdataset can take a long time to return a dataset created from a large number of files.

  5. Combine into one big dataset - xr.concat dispatches to the concat/stack methods of the underlying ManifestArray objects. These perform concatenation by merging their respective Chunk Manifests. Using xarray’s combine_* methods means that we can handle multi-dimensional concatenations as well as merging many different variables.

  6. Serialize the combined result to disk - The resultant xr.Dataset object wraps ManifestArray objects which contain the complete list of byte ranges for every chunk we might want to read. We now serialize this information to disk, either using the kerchunk specification, or in future we plan to use new Zarr extensions to write valid Zarr stores directly.

  7. Open the virtualized dataset from disk - The virtualized zarr store can now be read from disk, skipping all the work we did above. Chunk reads from this store will be redirected to read the corresponding bytes in the original legacy files.

The above steps would also be performed using the kerchunk library alone, but because (3), (4), (5), and (6) are all performed by the kerchunk.combine.MultiZarrToZarr function, and no internal abstractions are exposed, kerchunk’s design is much less modular, and the use cases are limited by kerchunk’s API surface.

How do VirtualiZarr and Kerchunk compare?#

Users of kerchunk may find the following comparison table useful, which shows which features of kerchunk map on to which features of VirtualiZarr.

Component / Feature



Generation of references from archival files (1)

From a netCDF4/HDF5 file


open_virtual_dataset, via kerchunk.hdf.SingleHdf5ToZarr or potentially hidefix

From a netCDF3 file


open_virtual_dataset, via kerchunk.netCDF3.NetCDF3ToZarr

From a COG / tiff file


open_virtual_dataset, via kerchunk.tiff.tiff_to_zarr or potentially cog3pio

From a Zarr v2 store


open_virtual_dataset, via kerchunk.zarr.ZarrToZarr ?

From a GRIB2 file


open_virtual_datatree, via kerchunk.grib2.scan_grib ?

From a FITS file


open_virtual_dataset, via kerchunk.fits.process_file ?

In-memory representation (2)

In-memory representation of byte ranges for single array

Part of a “reference dict” with keys for each chunk in array

ManifestArray instance (wrapping a ChunkManifest instance)

In-memory representation of actual data values

Encoded bytes directly serialized into the “reference dict”, created on a per-chunk basis using the inline_threshold kwarg

numpy.ndarray instances, created on a per-variable basis using the loadable_variables kwarg

In-memory representation of entire file / store

Nested “reference dict” with keys for each array in file

xarray.Dataset with variables wrapping ManifestArray instances (or numpy.ndarray instances)

Manipulation of in-memory references (3, 4 & 5)

Combining references to multiple arrays representing different variables



Combining references to multiple arrays representing the same variable

kerchunk.combine.MultiZarrToZarr using the concat_dims kwarg


Combining references in coordinate order

kerchunk.combine.MultiZarrToZarr using the coo_map kwarg

xarray.combine_by_coords with in-memory xarray indexes created by loading coordinate variables first

Combining along multiple dimensions without coordinate data




Parallelized generation of references

Wrapping kerchunk’s opener inside dask.delayed

Wrapping open_virtual_dataset inside dask.delayed but eventually instead using xarray.open_mfdataset(..., parallel=True)

Parallelized combining of references (tree-reduce)


Wrapping ManifestArray objects within dask.array.Array objects inside xarray.Dataset to use dask’s concatenate

On-disk serialization (6) and reading (7)

Kerchunk reference format as JSON

ujson.dumps(h5chunks.translate()) , then read using an fsspec.filesystem mapper

ds.virtualize.to_kerchunk('combined.json', format='JSON') , then read using an fsspec.filesystem mapper

Kerchunk reference format as parquet

df.refs_to_dataframe(out_dict, "combined.parq"), then read using an fsspec ReferenceFileSystem mapper

ds.virtualize.to_kerchunk('combined.parq', format=parquet') , then read using an fsspec ReferenceFileSystem mapper

Zarr v3 store with manifest.json files


ds.virtualize.to_zarr(), then read via any Zarr v3 reader which implements the manifest storage transformer ZEP

Why a new project?#

The reasons why VirtualiZarr has been developed as separate project rather than by contributing to the Kerchunk library upstream are:

  • Kerchunk aims to support non-Zarr-like formats too (1) (2), whereas VirtualiZarr is more strictly scoped, and may eventually be very tighted integrated with the Zarr-Python library itself,

  • Once the VirtualiZarr feature list above is complete, it will likely not share any code with the Kerchunk library, nor import it,

  • The API design of VirtualiZarr is deliberately completely different to Kerchunk’s API, so integration into Kerchunk would have meant duplicated functionality,

  • Refactoring Kerchunk’s existing API to maintain backwards compatibility would have been challenging.

What is the Development Status and Roadmap?#

VirtualiZarr is ready to use for many of the tasks that we are used to using kerchunk for, but the most general and powerful vision of this library can only be implemented once certain changes upstream in Zarr have occurred.

VirtualiZarr is therefore evolving in tandem with developments in the Zarr Specification, which then need to be implemented in specific Zarr reader implementations (especially the Zarr-Python V3 implementation). There is an overall roadmap for this integration with Zarr, whose final completion requires acceptance of at least two new Zarr Enhancement Proposals (the “Chunk Manifest” and “Virtual Concatenation” ZEPs).

Whilst we wait for these upstream changes, in the meantime VirtualiZarr aims to provide utility in a significant subset of cases, for example by enabling writing virtualized zarr stores out to the existing kerchunk references format, so that they can be read by fsspec today.